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Jill Opal Oliver
as an actress

IMDb member since April 2011 Jill Oliver sings, models, dances, acts, and writes her own songs. A native Detroit’s, Jill Opal has had the pleasure of traveling and performing throughout Europe. She performs R&B, HipHop, Jazz, Pop, Techno, Soft Rock, and Classical, with the grace of confidence of a well seasoned artist! Jill Opal Oliver, a college graduate from Eastern Michigan University successfully completed her studies receiving a Bachelor of Music Degree in Vocal Performance.  Jill has also graced runway as a model, displaying her beauty in countless fashion shows such as Detroit Fashion Week and Imagine Fashion Show. She has appeared in several episodes of Detroit 187 and the film KHU, Act 2 Ancient Evening, directed by Matthew Barney and Jonathan Bepler. She is featured in HBO’s Hung film. Jill was in the movie Block Party, directed by Dawn Wilkinson. Jill has appeared in the film Beneeth and My Step Kids, directed by Sean Brown.

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